Our Proposals
BSR Energy’s proposals for Harp Farm Solar Park on land at Harp Farm, Harp Farm Road, Boxley, Maidstone, ME14 3ED would deliver the following:
•It will assist Maidstone Borough Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with local and national targets. Maidstone Borough Council declared a Biodiversity & Climate Change Emergency in May 2019.
•Assist a secure and stable supply of electricity to help meet the Government's target of net zero by 2050.
•Enhancement to biodiversity – net gain of at least 60% (minimum government net gain required 10%). This is usually done through the planting of new hedgerows, gapping up of existing ones and planting wildflower meadows.
•Temporary development – After 40 years, the infrastructure will be removed, and agricultural use reinstated. If granted consent, decommissioning of the site is guaranteed as part of the planning condition.
•Generation of Business Rates to Local Council – additional income can be used by the Council to fund Council run services.
•Given that the site is temporary, and farming activity is hard on the land, the fallow years brought about by the provision of solar on the site will provide will contribute to improving the soil quality and the condition of the land for agriculture in the future.
Where is the proposed site?
Our proposed solar park site would sit on land at Harp Farm, Harp Farm Road, Boxley, Maidstone, ME14 3ED. The Solar PV array would have an export capacity of 15MW.
Subject to Highways pre-application discussions with Kent County Council, the site will be accessed from M2 J4 from the existing access along Harp Farm Road.
What will it look like?
The infrastructure will include Solar PV arrays, an underground cable, access tracks, security gates and CCTV.
Landscaping including generous biodiversity enhancements are proposed to screen the development, and minimise impact on its surroundings. The scheme will also include other biodiversity and landscape enhancement measures to provide significant biodiversity net gain.
The below layout plan shows the proposed layout for our Harp Farm Solar Park proposals.
The global climate is changing faster than we have ever seen before. By supporting renewable energy schemes, such as the one we are proposing at Harp Farm, we are taking an important step forward in the fight against climate change and will be helping to contribute towards a secure and stable supply of electricity for the United Kingdom.
Community Benefit
BSR are pleased to announce our intention to provide a Community Benefit Fund alongside our proposals, which will hold up to £75,000 and directly support local projects and benefit the local community.
We are keen to hear local thoughts on how the fund could be spent. This is to ensure that the funds are spread across important local projects by those actively involved in the community
Pre-Planning Design and Preparation
Winter 2024/25
Consultation Period
February-March 2025
Consultation Event
13th February 2025
Finalise Project Design
March/April 2025
Planning application submitted
April/May 2025